2001 Black Bear Taxidermy Techniques with Ken Walker
World Champion taxidermist Ken Walker of Canada explains everything you need to know about black bear taxidermy, including field care, field measurements, skinning, mannikin selection, legal considerations, reference, anatomy, marketing, and solving common taxidermy problems unique to bear specimens. This is an entertaining and informative discussion on all aspects of bear taxidermy, but does not include a demonstration of mounting. Recorded live at the 2001 World Taxidermy Championships. 1-3/4 hours.

2001 Designing a Taxidermy Web Site with Ken Edwards
This presentation provides you with information on how to expand your taxidermy business by developing a website on the internet. Ken Edwards of Georgia, the developer of The Taxidermy Net presents a complete introductory discussion of topics ranging from selecting a domain name to understanding hypertext and digital graphics. If you want to put your taxidermy business on the web but don't know where to get started, this seminar is for you. Recorded live at the 2001 World Taxidermy Championships. 2 hours.

2001 Kudu Shoulder Mount Techniques with Ron Schaefer
Mounting large African gameheads presents its own set of unique problems and solutions. African game taxidermy expert Ron Schaefer makes it look easy as he mounts a beautiful kudu shoulder mount live in this seminar from the 2001 WTC. Ron covers the essentials of mounting including solutions to common skin problems, ear placement, eye setting, hide paste, horn attachment, lip and nose tucking, grooming and finishing. Recorded live at the 2001 World Taxidermy Championships held in Springfield, Illinois. 1-3/4 hours.

2001 Live Whitetail Deer Reference with Rick Carter
Join renowned sculptor and taxidermist Rick Carter of Georgia live on stage at the World Taxidermy Championships with a live whitetail deer buck as he takes you on a step-by-step tour through the anatomy of a deer as it relates to taxidermy. This comprehensive reference study is explained with the use of a macro digital video camera, reference photos, study casts, videos, skulls, diagrams, and the live deer himself to focus on the eyes, ears, nose, hair patterns and general anatomy. Recorded live at the 2001 World Show. 2 hours.

2001 Molding & Casting Reproduction Antlers with Erich Carter
Erich Carter explains the fundamentals of antler moulding, casting, and coloring. Useful information is offered on dealing with the chemicals used and the mechanics of molding this difficult subject. This is a good introduction for anyone interested in making repro antlers. 2001. 1 1/2 hours.

2001 Molding Bird & Mammal Artificial Parts with Paul Rhymer
Paul Rhymer of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. demonstrates the basics of molding and casting, including specific information for making death masks, artificial noses, bird feet, latex rocks, molds and more. Most materials and molding and casting techniques are covered. 2001. 2 hours.

2001 Mounting a Brook Trout on a Carved Body with Jeff Brain
Canadian fish taxidermy specialist Jeff Brain demonstrates his award-winning methods for mounting this classic trout species. In this live seminar, Jeff actually skins a brookie specimen, scrapes the skin clean, mounts the skin, cards the fins, and explains his procedure for carving a custom foam mannikin and fitting an artificial head onto it. Lots of great tips are included that will help you improve your overall fish work. Recorded live at the 2001 World Taxidermy Championships. 1-3/4 hours.

2001 Painting Bass Reproductions with Dennis Arp
One of fish taxidermy's biggest talents offers an outstanding lesson on painting fish reproductions. Dennis Arp of Culbertson, Nebraska paints both a largemouth and a smallmouth bass reproduction in this seminar and demonstrates his unique texturing, painting, and scale tipping techniques. He also assembles the fiberglass blanks by inserting the fins and preparing the surfaces for painting. Dennis uses a variety of media to achieve his beautiful results in this informative seminar. Recorded live at the 2001 WTC. 2 hours

2001 Pronghorn Antelope Shoulder Mount with Tom Weickum
Join World Champion gamehead taxidermist Tom Weickum of Wyoming as he demonstrates his unique methods for mounting a pronghorn antelope in this live seminar. Starting with a tanned skin, Tom throughly covers all problem areas such as horns, cores, aligning the skull plate, eye placement, eyelid sculpting, earliners, earbutts, glands, hair patterns, brisket alignment, sewing, grooming, and problems associated with the mouth on commercial antelope. Recorded live at the 2001 World Taxidermy Championships. 2 hours.

2001 Standing Ringneck Pheasant with Jim Pitts
One of the most versatile talents in taxidermy presents his demonstration on mounting this popular upland gamebird. Jim shows you his methods and explains why they work. Areas such as handling the skin, selecting eyes, and creating a good composition are covered very effectively. 2001. 2 hours.

2001 Tanning Techniques for Taxidermists with Bruce Rittel
One of the most knowledgeable and articulate professionals on the subject of tanning offers a wealth of information in this presentation. Bruce discusses the selection, application, and problems that can occur with most popular tanning solutions for taxidermy. 2001. 2 hours.

2001 Walleye Mounting Techniques with John Lager
Nine-time winner of the NTA's Best All-Around Taxidermist honors, John Lager of Colorado has won dozens of major awards with his beautiful walleye mounts. In this live seminar, John demostrates his techniques for mounting walleyes, including methods for carving foam bodies, molding and casting mouth interiors, dealing with fins, and mounting the skin, as well as discussing his finishing procedures. All the essential basics of mounting a walleye are covered. Recorded live at the 2001 World Taxidermy Championships. 1-3/4 hours.

2001 Whitetail Deer Shoulder Mount with Gene Smith
World Champion whitetail deer taxidermist Gene Smith of North Carolina demonstrates his procedures for creating a beautiful a whitetail deer shoulder mount. Gene demonstrates detail fleshing of the tanned skin around the eyes, sewing holes, mannikin preparation, the Bondo ear method, making earliners, and setting eyes. Although the mount is not completed in this seminar, all of the preparation techniques are covered in detail. Recorded live on April 5, 2001 at the 2001 World Taxidermy Championships. 2 hours.

2003 Competition Coldwater Fish Techniques with Mike Ross
Two-time World Champion fish taxidermist Mike Ross of Colorado presents his methods for mounting coldwater fish to achieve success in taxidermy competitions. Through a combination of discussion, demonstration, and videotape from his studio, Mike explains the finer points that will take your fish work to the next level. Mike shows how to carve a body, and how to mount the skin using a brown trout. In videotape segments, he also demonstrates molding and casting a trout head and "toning" a rainbow trout to prepare it for airbrush painting. Taped live on April 12, 2003 at the World Taxidermy Championships. Color. NTSC. Approximate running time: 2:37.

2003 Competition Techniques and Strategies with Ken Walker
World Champion mammal and re-creation taxidermist Ken Walker of Canada, explains the techniques and strategies necessary for winning the top awards at taxidermy competitions. Mounting techniques are not demonstrated in this lecture, but the information is valuable for all who wish to succeed in competing. Taped live on April 9, 2003. Color. NTSC. Approximate running time: 1:46.

2003 Molding and Casting Deer Antler Reproductions with Erich Carter
Antler reproduction expert Erich Carter shares his complete step-by-step procedure for molding and casting artificial deer antlers, using moderately priced molding and casting materials to achieve outstanding results. 2 1/2 hours.

2003 Molding and Casting Earliners with John Lager
Seven-time NTA Best All-Around Taxidermist John Lager of Colorado presents his simple method for creating custom earliners. John demonstrates the process on a mountain goat earliner by setting up the actual ear cartilage in a bed of High Fiber and pouring Alginate into the inner ear. Using the resulting one-piece mold, John paints on a coating of reinforced Bondo and resin to produce a custom earliner which includes the inner ear detail. John also discusses currently available commercial earliners, earbutt reference, ear positioning, and how to make a silicone mold for casting additional parts. Taped live on April 12, 2003 at the World Taxidermy Championships. Color. NTSC. Approximate running time: 1:25.

2003 Mounting a Lifesize Leopard with Ray Hatfield
In this video, acclaimed wildlife artist Ray Hatfield of Wyoming demonstrates his taxidermy procedures for mounting a lifesize leopard. Although Ray does not complete the mount before the seminar ends, there is still plenty of valuable information for high quality big cat mounting methods. Ray shows how to alter and prepare the mannikin, explains techniques forthe tail and feet, and demonstrates the subtle touches that produce well-mounted cats. Edited from a six-hour seminar, this two-hour video includes everything that was demonstrated and discussed. Taped live on April 11, 2003 at the World Taxidermy Championships. Color. NTSC. Approximate running time: 2:06.

2003 Open-Mouth Whitetail Deer with Lou Gagliano
Acclaimed whitetail deer taxidermist Lou Gagliano of Pennsylvania, winner of the 2000 National Champion title for Whitetail Deer Pedestal Mounts, demonstrates his techniques for mounting a closed- mouth whitetail deer. This seminar was taped live on April 8, 2003 at the World Taxidermy Championships. Note: The final half-hour of this original footage contains some audio and video quality problems. However, all of the information is understandable, so we elected to include it on this DVD. Color. NTSC. Approximate running time: 2:17.

2003 Painting a Largemouth Bass with Bill Newman
Taxidermist Bill Newman of Oklahoma, winner of the 2002 North American Champion title for Warmwater Fish Skin Mount with a largemouth bass, demonstrates his techniques for painting a competition-quality largemouth bass skin mount. Using a variety of media including lacquer-based airbush paints, Bill paints a bass from start to finish in this seminar taped live on April 9, 2003 at the World Taxidermy Championships. Color. NTSC. Approximate running time: 2:24.

2003 Sculpting and Bronze Casting with Paul Rhymer
Smithsonian taxidermist and sculptor Paul Rhymer demonstrates his techniques for sculpting, molding, wax casting, and general preparation for bronze foundries. This seminar presents a good introduction for artists wishing to explore the world of bronze casting their art. Taped live on April 11, 2003 at the World Taxidermy Championships. Color. NTSC. Approximate running time: 2:27.

2003 Small Mammal Competition Techniques with Jason Snowberger
Filmed live on April 9, 2003 at the 2003 World Taxidermy Championships in Springfield, Illinois at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, this seminar is a lecture only Ñ there is no mounting demonstration. Award-winning taxidermist Jason Snowberger of Pennsylvania shares his techniques for producing beautiful small mammal mounts. Color. NTSC. Approximate running time: 1:55.

2003 Traditional Waterfowl Taxidermy Techniques (Wrapped Bodies) with Dave Luke
Acclaimed bird expert Dave Luke of Louisiana demonstrates the traditional taxidermy techniques for mounting waterfowl using wrapped excelsior bodies and natural heads. Dave utilizes carcass tracings to wrap the body, neck, wings and legs for both flying and standing poses. Taped live April 9, 2003 at the World Taxidermy Championships. Color. NTSC. Approximate running time: 2:33.

2003 World Championships Awards Banquet with Larry and Kathy Blomquist and Others
Filmed live on April 11, 2003 at the 2003 World Taxidermy and Fish Carving Championships in Springfield, Illinois at the Hilton Hotel ballroom, this video shows the Friday Night Awards Banquet program where all of the top winners were announced for the first time. As winners were recognized, video of their winning entries was also shown on the screens. The people behind the scenes at the World Show are also thanked. Color. NTSC. Approximate running time: 2:34

2005 Brown Trout Using Artificial Heads/Fins with Gary Bruch
2005 World Champion fish taxidermist Gary Bruch of Pennsylvania, demonstrates his techniques for mounting a brown trout skin mount on a carved mannikin. Utilizing both artificial fins and an artificial head, Gary discusses many important aspects of high-end fish taxidermy with an empasis on explaining coldwater fish anatomy as it realates to making custom hand-carved fish mannikins. This seminar which was recorded live at the 2005 WTC's. 3 Hours.

2005 Carcass Casting Small Mammals with Jason Snoberger
World Champion mammal taxidermist Jason Snowberger of Pennsylvania consistently produces the most beautiful and unique poses based upon his skill with carcass casting. In this seminar, Jason demonstrates his techniques for posing and casting small mammal carcasses and casting them to make custom taxidermy mannikins. Using both a fox squirrel and a fox as examples, Jason explains setting up poses, bedding, parting lines, molding, demolding and casting. Recorded live at the 2005 WTC's. 3 Hours.

2005 Diamondback Rattlesnake Mount with Manny Chavez
2 hours recorded live at the 2005 WTC

2005 Mounting a Flying Ross's Goose with Billy Ollie
In 2007, taxidermist Billy Ollie of Louisiana won the coveted title of World Champion Waterfowl Taxidermist at the World Taxidermy Championships in Reno, Nevada. Two years earlier, Billy, demonstrated his techniques for mounting a flying Ross's goose at the 2005 World Show. In this seminar, Billy starts with a skinned goose and goes through his the entire mounting procedure including wiring the legs and wings, using an artificial head, posing and feather placement. 3 Hours.

2005 Mounting a Mule Deer with Tom Weickum
In this seminar, Best in World Gamehead winner Tom Weickum of Wyoming demonstrates his technique for mounting a closed-mouth mule deer shoulder mount. Starting with a tanned skin, Tom goes through his entire mounting procedure, including hide preparation, mannikin preparation, antler setting, eye setting, ear mounting, an in-depth segment on earbutt sculpting, hide paste, mounting, tucking the eyes, lips and nose, skin alignment, and grooming. Recorded live at the 2005 WTC's. 3 hours.

2005 Mounting a Pronghorn Antelope with John Lager
John Lager is a nine-time winner of the NTA's Best All-Around Award, as well as a World Champion, North American Champion, and National Champion taxidermist. In this live seminar, John demonstrates his complete step-by-step procedure for mounting a shoulder-mount pronghorn antelope. Starting with a tanned cape, he offers a wealth of specialized antelope advice about mannikin prep, earliners, scent glands, repairs, anatomy, reference, grooming and finishing. Recorded live at the 2005 WTC's. 3 hours.

2005 Mounting a Standing Surf Scoter with Page Nethercutt
Waterfowl expert Page Nethercutt of North Carolina captures the essence of each species he mounts. In this live seminar, he mounts a drake surf scoter on a rock with one foot extended. Starting with a skinned bird, Page offers a wealth of information about reference, feather placement, competition, grooming and finishing. Recorded live at the 2005 WTC's. 2-1/3 Hours.

2005 Mounting a Strutting Wild Turkey with Harry Whitehead
Harry Whitehead of Missouri has won virtually every award that can be given to a bird taxidermist, and almost all of those awards have been won with a wild turkey mount. In this seminar, Harry demonstrates for the first time his complete step-by-step procedure for mounting a strutting gobbler. Starting with a skinned bird, Harry explains all of his techniques, including valuable information about the finer points of turkey taxidermy and strutting anatomy. Along the way, he offers a wealth of advice about field care, heads, mannikins, feather shingling, carding, grooming and finishing. Recorded live at the 2005 WTC's. 2-1/2 hours.

2005 Mounting an Open-Mouth Grey Squirrel with Amy Ritchie
The youngest person to ever win a National Championship title at the NTA Convention, Amy Ritchie has worked her way up through the ranks focusing on producing excellent small mammal mounts. In this live seminar recorded when Amy was age 18, she starts with a skinned specimen and demonstrates mounting a lifesize grey squirrel in a "running up a tree" pose. Recorded live at the 2005 WTC's. 1-1/2 Hours.

2005 Open-Mouth Whitetail Deer with Lou Gagliano
Lou Gagliano of Pennsylvania consistently produces the most outstanding open-mouth work of anyone in the industry. In this seminar, for the first time, Lou demonstrates his personal techniques for creating an open-mouth whitetail deer with no secrets held back. Although mounting a deer skin is NOT demonstrated in this seminar, all of the mannikin preparation and open-mouth work is clearly explained, including the palate, tongue, teeth, papillae, and assembly. Recorded live at the 2005 WTC's. 2 hours.

2005 Painting a Smallmouth Bass with Bill Newman
Taxidermist Bill Newman of Oklahoma, winner of the 2001 NTA JudgesÕ Choice Best of Show and North American Champion title for Warmwater Fish Skin Mount with a largemouth bass, demonstrates his techniques for painting a competition-quality smallmouth bass skin mount. Using a variety of media including lacquer-based airbrush paints, Bill paints a smallmouth bass n this seminar which was recorded live at the 2005 WTC's. 2 Hours.

2005 World Show SUPER SEMINAR
Wolves, Bighorn Sheep & Habitat with Marcus Zimmerman, Kenny Zimmerman, Jason Snowberger and George Roof.

2007 Mounting a Cape Buffalo with Ray Hatfield
Having mounted hundreds of Cape Buffalo, Ray Hatfield of Wyoming is more than qualified to demonstrate the techniques he has developed over the years to mount one of Africa's most challenging species. Along with Duane Mittlieder, Ray uses three specimens to demonstrate mounting one cape buffalo while Duane shows sculpting the boss, prepping, and finish airbrush painting on two other mounts. At the end of this comprehensive three hour seminar, one cape buffalo is mounted and carded, one cape buffalo is ready to paint, and one cape buffalo is completely finished. Recorded live at the 2007 World Taxidermy Championships. Approximate running time: 2:55.

2009 Altering Manikins for Composition with Ken Walker
Ken Walker of Alberta has won multiple World Champion titles including three Best in World awards, the Master of Masters award and the Best of Show award. In this live demonstration, Ken alters both a lifesize lynx and lifesize badger mannikin from a standing position into a dynamic pose to create an interactive composition group. Ken explains not only the mechanics of altering mannikins and skeletal anatomy, but how to manipulate the attitude of the animals' bodies to create a dynamic artistic composition. Ken is an entertaining speaker, and this seminar is full of tips that will add artistry, balance and interest to any mammal display. Recorded live at the 2009 World Taxidermy Championships. Approximate running time: 2:52.

2009 Mounting a Strutting Turkey with Andy Campbell
Turkey expert Andy Campbell of Oklahoma specializes in wholesale turkey mounts, and has won many top awards including the WASCO Award, Best of Shows, Judges Choices, Best in Category, and numerous first place ribbons. In this seminar, Andy starts with a skin, mannikin and an artificial head and ends up with a beautiful strutting turkey mount. Using a PowerPoint presentation, Andy shows all the steps in his shop leading up to the live demonstration where he actually mounts the bird. Lots of information is packed into this three-hour seminar, including wiring the wings and legs, threading the leg wires, base attachment, tail mounting, sewing, posing, feather adjustment, head attachment, gluing skin, taping feathers, and shingling the feather groups for a perfect strutting pose. Recorded live at the 2009 World Taxidermy Championships. Approximate running time: 2:56.

2009 Wiring Bird Wings for Accuracy with Glen Browning
Glen Browning of British Columbia is a respected bird taxidermist, judge, instructor, author and photographer. His years of experience convinced him that the most common problem area in bird taxidermy is wing placement and accurate wing anatomy. Using a series of reference photos and illustrations combined with a live demonstration, Glen explains all of the mechanics for wiring and mounting bird wings in both closed and open positions.
After viewing this seminar, you will no longer have to guess where to go with your wing placement. Glen's easy to follow techniques will produce perfect results every time. Recorded live at the 2009 World Taxidermy Championships. Approximate running time: 1:44.

2009 Wrapped Body Waterfowl Mounting with Dave Luke
Dave Luke of Louisiana has been a world-class bird taxidermist, instructor and judge for over thirty years. This entertaining and informative seminar is a fast-paced expert lesson in everything you need to know to be able to mount waterfowl the traditional way as taught by the old masters of the art, using wrapped bodies and natural skulls. Dave demonstrates the finer points of wrapping bodies, wiring wings, legs, necks, using caulk, sewing, stitching, posing, carding, and productivity. He mounts one flying widgeon and then quickly mounts a second standing bird. He deftly demonstrates several popular flying poses by adjusting the duck before your eyes, as well as many other memorable moments. Recorded live at the 2009 World Taxidermy Championships. Approximate running time: 2:53.

Bull Dolphin Reproduction, Prep and Painting with Mike Kirkhart ('99)
World Champion Mike Kirkhart shows the preparation and painting of a reproduction bull dolphin (dorado). Mike also includes great ideas for the marketing, pricing, and business issues involving the sale of reproduction saltwater fish.

Cally Morris: Air Brushing FD Turkey Heads ('97)
Using water-based paints and an airbrush, World Champion Cally Morris demonstrates his procedure for painting freeze-dried turkey heads. 1 1/2 hours.

Cary Cochran: Mounting A Whitetail Deer ('97)
Cary Cochran gives one of the most informative seminars ever this complete demonstration of mounting a shoulder whitetail deer. You're sure to learn something new from Cochran's innovative and insightful procedures. 2-hours.

Cary Cochran:-Interpreting Whitetail Reference ('95)
In this excellent seminar, World Champion taxidermist Cary Cochran actually shows you new ways to see and interpret reference for improving your work immediately. 2 hours.

Creating Rocks, Bases and Ledges with Rick Kennair ('99)
The man from Louisiana is at it again, demonstrating several different creative ideas for assembling large taxidermy bases from economical materials.

Darin Flynn: Mounting a Fox Squirrel ('97)
World Champion Darin Flynn shows his unique procedure for mounting a standing fox squirrel. Starting with a tanned hide, Flynn demonstrates mannikin preparation, mounting, and grooming. 1 3/4 hours.

Kent Reedy: Mounting a Flying Mallard ('97)
World Champion and Master of Masters winner Kent Reedy reveals his techniques for mounting flying waterfowl: skinning, fleshing, assembly, wiring and posing. 2-hours.

Live Whitetail Reference for Taxidermists with Sallie Dahmes ('99)
In one of the most outstanding reference seminars ever caught on tape, World Champion taxidermist Sallie Dahmes shares the stage with a live whitetail deer. A hand-held digital video camera offers excellent close-up views, while Sallie points out the connections between the live reference and taxidermy work.

Mike Boyce: Getting Top Clients ('95)
Mike Boyce is a shining example of success. His seminar will motivate you light with dozens of ideas for improving your clientele and profits. 1 hour, 30 minutes.

Mike Noonkester: Molding & Casting Techniques ('97)
This could be the most useful seminar you'll ever watch. Mike Noonkester takes the mystery out of molding and casting procedures with demonstrations of mouths, noses, fish heads, fins, rocks and more, with a variety of materials. 13/4 hours.

Mike Orthober: Airbrushing a Brown Trout ('97)
World Champion fish taxidermist Mike Orthober demonstrates his award-winning airbrush painting techniques on a large brown trout. 1 3/4 hours.

Molding and Casting Artificial Parts with Garry Senk ('99)
This informative seminar by World Champion taxidermist Garry Senk of Wisconsin demonstrates Garry's award-winning procedures for molding and casting your own duck bills, duck feet, adipose fins, beaver tails and horns, using a variety of molding and casting materials. As a added bonus, making rocks using liquid latex is also demonstrated. Recorded live at the 1999 World Taxidermy Championships. 2 hours.

Molding and Casting Driftwood with Mike Noonkester ('99)
Got a great piece of driftwood you would like to use over and over in your studio? Molding expert and Virginia native Mike Noonkester shows you how to create a production-quality driftwood mold which will stand up to years of commercial use.

Mounting a Bighorn Sheep Shoulder Mount with Barry Smith ('99)
Mounting a Bighorn Sheep Shoulder Mount with Barry Smith. One of America's most knowledgeable mammal taxidermists shares his complete gamehead mounting procedures on a bighorn sheep.

Mounting a Flying Mallard Drake with Stefan Savides ('99)
Bird expert Stefan Savides of Oregon offers a rare glimpse into his taxidermy procedures for mounting a flying duck. Sprinkled with insights into bird anatomy, art and philosophy, this seminar is both informative and entertaining.

Mounting a Lifesize Red Fox with Darin Flynn ('99)
Learn the techniques of World Champion mammal taxidermist Darin Flynn as he mounts a lifesize red fox during this informative seminar.
DVD191 Softbound $20.55 |

Mounting a Ruffed Grouse with Charlie Fanta ('01)
In this superb presentation, World Champion Charlie Fanta demonstrates the necessities of good taxidermy technique. He coveres methods for making mannkins, necks, understanding wing placement, leg structure and the importance of balance and design. This is a great tape for the developing bird taxidermist. 2001. 2 hours.

Mounting a Strutting Wild Turkey with Gerald Flynn ('99)
Gerald Flynn has developed many innovative techniques for mounting a strutting wild turkey. In this seminar he demonstrates these methods for simplifying a difficult task while producing outstanding results.

Ronnie Gaillard: Competition Whitetails ('95)
World Champion whitetail taxidermist Ronnie Gaillard demonstrates shoulder deer mounting with an emphasis on competition quality results. 2 hours.

Speed-Painting Fish for Profit with Archie Phillips ('99)
The faster you paint, the more money you make. This is the principle guiding Archie Phillips, who paints six fish during this seminar with time to spare. Reproduction rainbow trout, crappie, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, striper and bluegill are shown, as well as other time-saving tips.

Troubleshooting Tanning for Taxidermists with Bruce Rittel ('99)
Tanning expert Bruce Rittel responds to frequent questions about tanning based upon thousands of inquiries he has received over the years. Troubleshooting the more common problems of home tanners is also addressed.

Understanding Wildlife Laws with Mike Oropallo ('99)
One of the most knowledgeable wildlife lawyers in the world offers his advice for taxidermists on staying on the right side of the law. The federal migratory bird laws are also explained along with other laws affecting taxidermists.