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Familiar Mammals of North America

These pocket guides are fill of high quality photos. They are excellent for identifying species, and offer great reference. Each softbound book is 192pp, 4x6, over 160 color photos.

192pp, 4x6
R325 Softbound $9.00


Bears of the World
By Lance Craighead

Lance Craighead's book serves not only as a great resource, but also gives excellent information on the many sub-species found on the bear family. This book has distribution maps and facts about each species.

132 pp, 70 color photos, 9 1/2 x 10 1/2 format
R328 Softbound $21.95


BEARS: A Portrait of the Animal World
Robert Elman

We could not believe the quality reference this book offers. Amazing closeup head and open mouth photography are found throughout.

80 pp, 94 color photographs, 9 x 12 3/4
R224 Hardbound $12.95


Beavers & Other Rodents: A Portrait of the Animal World
by Paul Sterry

Included are beavers, rats, mice, squirrels, porcupines, marmots, prairie dogs and more.

72 pp. 80 color photos. 9 1/2 x 13
R280 Hardbound $12.95


by Kathy Feeney

This reference book was published for young readers. The reason we selected it for our reference collection was the outstanding photographs they offer. They are a great reference value and if you have young children, they can serve a double purpose.

192 pp, 120 color photos, 8Hx8H format
R319 Hardbound $16.95


Our Wild World Series: BLACK BEARS
By Kathy Feeney

This book is part of the Wild World Series by Northword. These children's books are loaded with great reference at the right price. You will get as much or more reference for your money than any other book we offer.

48pp, 48 photos/illustrations, 8-1/2 x 8-1/2
R304 Softbound $7.95


Our Wild World Series: WOLVES
By Laura Evert

This book is part of the Wild World Series by Northword. These children's books are loaded with great reference at the right price. You will get as much or more reference for your money than any other book we offer.

48pp, 30 photos/illustrations, 8-1/2 x 8-1/2
R309 Softbound $7.95


by Ben Sonder

Portraits of the animal world. Included are pigs, wild boars, warthogs, and babirusa. With no hesitation, the publishers of BREAKTHROUGH recommends this book be added to your reference collection.

R281 Softbound $12.95


by Julia Vogel

This reference book was published for young readers. The reason we selected it for our reference collection was the outstanding photographs they offer. They are a great reference value and if you have young children, they can serve a double purpose.

192 pp, 120 color photos, 8Hx8H format
R321 Hardbound $16.95


by Nikita Ovsyanikov

For the first time in 25 years, taxidermists in the United States are again receiving polar bears to mount. Here is the reference book you have been looking for!

144 pp, 106 color photos, 8-1/2 x 11 format
R276A Softbound $19.95


The Perfect Shot North America II (Bear, Bison, Cougar, Goat, Hog, Javelin, Muskox, Sheep and Wolf)
Safari Press

This pocket-size full-color book features field photos with "ghost views" that highlight the heart, lungs and major bone structures - important information when you shoot at dangerous game. The mini edition covers all the angles and the point of aim for each animal. In addition, there are essays on bullet choice and natural history.

6 x 4 softcover, 128pp, color and b&w photos
R337A Softbound $12.95


The Perfect Shot: North America (Whitetail, Mule Deer, Moose, Caribou, Pronghorn and Elk)
by Craig Boddington

Safari Press sells this book for a much different reason that why we decided to carry them. In saying that, their reason is pretty good too, if you are a hunter. So it is fair to say you can get a two-for-one-usage, great information, and great reference of big game. This is a great book to have in the shop when your customer tells that story that will often start with, "I almost didn't find him."

126 pp, 6x4, over 75 photos & illustrations
R337 Softbound $12.95


African Wildlife and Big Cats Bird Reference Books Carving - Books, Manuals, Videos
Fish, Reptiles, Snakes, Alligators Instructional Books and Manuals Kastaway Kulis Video Library
North American Horned and Antlered Animals North American Mammals Other Videos
Required Reading & Records Taxidermy Training Unlimited Whitetail Deer
World Show Video Seminars


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