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Kastaway Kulis Video Library
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A Euro Mount Done in Five Hours with Michael P. Schlabach
Kastaway Kulis

This is a great dvd to show completely how to do a euro skull mount in under 5 hours. It covers everything from beginning skinning to finishing. Michael does a deer and a bear skull. This is a real money maker for the taxidermist as well as the hunter.

MS-EM5  $32.95


Carving Fish Bodies Advanced with Tom Voyer
Kastaway Kulis

The latest DVD featuring Tom Voyer a master at carving foam, is now available showing how to carve a fish body for the odd shaped fish one might get in to mount. It is fairly easy to carve a body of a fish that is uniform on contour. But what do you do when you need to mount a fish that has the cross section on a pear. Bot that easy. Yet Tom shows you a simple and easy way to do it. The DVD covers from skinning, carving, and mounting an large Alaskan Yellow eye.

TV-CFBA  $32.95


Carving Fish Bodies Made Easy with Tom Voyer
Kastaway Kulis

A new DVD featuring Tom Voyer a master at carving foam, is now available showing the basics on how to carve a fish body. It is a great way for the taxidermist that has always purchased his fish forms to learn how to carve fish bodies.

TV-CFB  $32.95


Divers and Sea Ducks: Paint schedules for Duck Bills and Feet with Tony Finazzo,
Kastaway Kulis

Learn how to paint a variety of the most popular duck bills, and many of their feet. Tony uses his artificial bills and feet to show you the easiest and fastest way to finish off your mount.

TF-DSD  $29.95


Mounting a Crab and Lobster with Tom Voyer
Kastaway Kulis

Tom show all aspects of handling a lobster and crab from cleaning, mounting and finishing, A great training tool to make a difficult project easy.

TV-MCL  $32.95


Mounting a Flying Diver with Tony Finazzo
Kastaway Kulis

Tony takes you "up close and personal", all the way from skinning and fleshing to the final grooming of the diving bird. The birds used in these DVD's are not perfect, so he shows you how to overcome such problems on these various birds.

TF-FD  $29.95


Mounting a Python or Boa, Large Snakes using the Fill Method with Tom Voyer
Kastaway Kulis

Tom shows a very unique way of doing large snakes, boa, python, etc. Tom mounts a 15' python in a great pose with ease. The DVD shows the process from skinning, thru finishing. This fill method it the only way to do large snakes.

TV-MLS  $32.95


Mounting a Snake on a Carved Body with Tom Voyer
Kastaway Kulis

Tom shows you how to mount a snake carving a custom body. The dvd covers from skinning through finishing. A great addition to your reptile library.

TV-MSCB  $32.95


Mounting a Snake on a Commercial Form with Tom Voyer
Kastaway Kulis

Tom shows the complete mounting procudures when mounting a snake on a commercial form. Everything is shown up close so you will not mis a step. A great training tool for the newby as well as an experienced taxidermist.

TV-MSCF  $32.95


Mounting a Snake Using an Epoxy Putty Body with Tom Voyer
Kastaway Kulis

This DVD covers mounting a smaller snake using a body made from an epoxy putty. It covers from skinning thru finishing. It is a great way to mount a snake with unlimited positions possible. It is really the best way to mount a snake where no form is available. A must for anyone wanting to learn reptile taxidermy.

TV-SEPB  $32.95


Mounting a Snapping Turtle Using the Fill Method with Tom Voyer
Kastaway Kulis

Learn how to tackle the job of mounting a Snapping Turtle, using the fill method. Many taxidermists pass on them, but now you can learn from the best, Tom Voyer.

TV-STFM  $42.95


Mounting an Alligator Head & Half Mount with Tom Voyer
Kastaway Kulis

At a loss as to what to do for a customer who only wants his alligator head finished in one way or another? Here's a DVD with Tom Voyer that gives you some options. He will show you how to finish off a simple head, a wall or table mount, as well as a half mount from beginning to end.

TV-AHHM  $42.95


Mounting an Alligator on a Commercial Form with Tom Voyer
Kastaway Kulis

This trainging DVD covers the complete process of mounting an alligator from skinning all the way through the finish painting job. You will learn the correct as well as the easy way to do the project. It ia approx.6 hours in length.

TV-ACF  $42.95


Mounting an Alligator Rug with Tom Voyer
Kastaway Kulis

This 3 dvd set is the complete process of skinning, mounting, finishing, and rugging an alligator. Again, Tom gives you all the info you will need to do an alligator that your customers will be thrilled with.

TV-ARG  $49.95


Mounting an Alligator Using the Fill Method with Tom Voyer
Kastaway Kulis

Here's a long awaited DVD, featuring Tom Voyer, an acclaimed specialist is mounting reptiles of all kinds. Even if you're a beginner, Tom will make it easy for you to learn how to handle a job that you might not have had the confidence to tackle. And the results just might amaze you. Every aspect of mounting a "Gator" is covered, including skinning, fleshing, tanning, mounting and painting. You can do it, with Tom's help.

TV-AFM  $42.95


Mounting an Alligator, Carving the Body with Tom Voyer
Kastaway Kulis

This 3 dvd is a most complete set covering from skinning through finishing of mounting a gator carving your own form. Tom's knowledge comes to you in great detail along with great close-ups to see what he is doing.

TV-ACB  $49.95


Mounting an Iguana using the Fill Method with Tom Voyer
Kastaway Kulis

Tom goes through the whole process from skinning th finishing, A must for the person wanting to learn to mount iguanas as well as other lizards.

TV-MIG  $42.95


Mounting Spiders, Scorpions and Other Creepy Crawlers with Tom Voyer
Kastaway Kulis

If you are not taking in these odd species to mount, you are missing the "real money makers". Tom takes you from skinning thru finishing showing you how easy it really is to mount htese differewnt species. You will really like his tips and methods.

TV-SSCC  $32.95


Mounting the Flying Puddle Duck with Tony Finazzo
Kastaway Kulis

Tony takes you "up close and personal", all the way from skinning and fleshing to the final grooming of the diving bird. The birds used in these DVD's are not perfect, so he shows you how to overcome such problems on these various birds.

TF-FPD  $29.95


Mounting the Flying Upland Bird with Tony Finazzo
Kastaway Kulis

Tony takes you "up close and personal", all the way from skinning and fleshing to the final grooming of the upland bird. In this DVD, he demonstrates on a flying pheasant.

TF-FUB  $29.95


Mounting the Standing Diver with Tony Finazzo
Kastaway Kulis

Tony takes you "up close and personal", all the way from skinning and fleshing to the final grooming of the diving bird. The birds used in these DVD's are not perfect, so he shows you how to overcome such problems on these various birds.

TF-SD  $29.95


Mounting the Standing Puddle Duck with Tony Finazzo
Kastaway Kulis

Tony takes you "up close and personal", all the way from skinning and fleshing to the final grooming of the diving bird. The birds used in these DVD's are not perfect, so he shows you how to overcome such problems on these various birds.

TF-SPD  $29.95


Mounting the Standing Upland Bird with Tony Finazzo
Kastaway Kulis

Tony takes you "up close and personal", all the way from skinning and fleshing to the final grooming of the upland bird. In this DVD, he demonstrates on a standing pheasant.

TF-SUB  $29.95


Paint Schedules for Turkey Heads with Tony Finazzo
Kastaway Kulis

They may seem very intimidating, but painting a turkey head with Tony's step by step instructions, proves to be much easier, and much more fun than you might think. On this DVD, learn to paint both the North American Turkey as well as the South American Oscillated Turkey.

TF-PTH  $29.95


Painting a Brown Trout Reproduction with Rick Krane
Kastaway Kulis

Rick Krane uses Pearl-Ex Powders painting fish on his instruction DVD's. Now you can use them too.

RK-BRNR  $32.95


Painting a Brook Trout Reproduction with Rick Krane
Kastaway Kulis

The Brook Trout is a complicated fish to paint, but Rick makes it easy to paint with some great techinques and tips. This is a very great tool if you want to paint the colorful Brookie! Rick Krane uses Pearl-Ex Powders painting fish on his instruction DVD's. Now you can use them too.

RK-BRKR  $32.95


Painting a Brown Trout Skin Mount with Rick Krane
Kastaway Kulis

Rick Krane uses Pearl-Ex Powders painting fish on his instruction DVS's. Now you can use them too.

RK-BRNS  $32.95


Painting a Largemouth Bass Reproduction with Rick Krane
Kastaway Kulis

Rick Krane uses Pearl-Ex Powders painting fish on his instruction DVS's. Now you can use them too.

RK-LMR  $32.95


Painting A Rainbow Trout Reproduction with Rick Krane
Kastaway Kulis

Rick Krane uses Pearl-Ex Powders painting fish on his instructional DVD's. Now you can use them too...

RK-RBTR  $32.95


Painting a Smallmouth Bass reproduction with Rick Krane
Kastaway Kulis

Rick Krane uses Pearl-Ex Powders painting fish on his instruction DVS's. Now you can use them too.

RK-SMBR  $32.95


Painting a Smallmouth Bass Skin Mount with Rick Krane
Kastaway Kulis

Rick Krane uses Pearl-Ex Powders painting fish on his instruction DVS's. Now you can use them too.

RK-SMBS  $32.95


Painting a Steelhead Reproduction with Rick Krane
Kastaway Kulis

Rick Krane uses Pearl-Ex Powders painting fish on his instruction DVS's. Now you can use them too.

RK-STR  $32.95


Painting Largemouth Bass Skin Mount with Rick Krane
Kastaway Kulis

Rick Krane uses Pearl-Ex Powders painting fish on his instruction DVS's. Now you can use them too.

RK-LMSM  $32.95


Puddle Ducks - 2 volume set Paint schedules for Duck Bills and Feet with Tony Finazzo
Kastaway Kulis

Learn how to paint a variety of the most popular duck bills, and many of their feet. Tony uses his artificial bills and feet to show you the easiest and fastest way to finish off your mount. SPECIAL TWO VOLUME SET

TF-PD-PDBF  $49.95


Skin and Mount a King Salmon with Rick Krane
Kastaway Kulis

This DVD will show you exactly how to skin a King Salmon and perfectly mount on a form with an artificial head.

RK-KS  $24.95


South American Ducks: Paint schedules for duck bills with Tony Finazzo.
Kastaway Kulis

Learn how to paint a variety of the most popular South American duck bills. Tony uses his artificial bills to show you the easiest and fastest way to finish off your mount.

TF-SAD-PDBF  $29.95


African Wildlife and Big Cats Bird Reference Books Carving - Books, Manuals, Videos
Fish, Reptiles, Snakes, Alligators Instructional Books and Manuals Kastaway Kulis Video Library
North American Horned and Antlered Animals North American Mammals Other Videos
Required Reading & Records Taxidermy Training Unlimited Whitetail Deer
World Show Video Seminars


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