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Each book contains state and provincial listings as well as photos of the number-one ranked trophy for each state or province.

BC404 Hardbound $24.95



Each book contains state and provincial listings as well as photos of the number-one ranked trophy for each state or province.

BC401 Hardbound $24.95


AFRICAN OBSESSION The Life and Legacy of Carl Akeley
Author: Penelope Bodry-Sanders

Penelope Bodry-Sanders' previously-published book, Carl Akeley: Africa's Collector, Africa's Savior, is once again available, but with a new title and a few added pages. When the first edition was published in 1991, it became one of the best selling books we have ever offered.

T107 Softbound $11.95


by William Frank Calderon

Founder of the School of Animal Painting in London, W. Frank Calderon combines useful information on important anatomical features with directions on how to handle the subjects and how to express their forms and postures. An unaltered republication of the 1936 edition, this book is a must for any wildlife artist.

336pp, 224 illustrations, 6 1/2 x9 1/4.
T110 Softbound $18.95


Art Anatomy of Animals
Ernest Seton

At first we were hesitant to include this book since much of its content is covered in an "Atlas of Animal Anatomy." What caught our attention was a chapter on average measurements in species of cats, bears, dogs, and the American bison. Also the anatomy plates and drawings on the final 50 pages is worth the price. The plates include the wolf, bison, African lion, horse, and several pages of animals in motion. Overall, it rated a place in our book section and will be a valuable addition to your bookshelf.

144 pp, 9 1/2 x 12
T121 Softbound $12.95


Artist's Guide to Animal Anatomy
Gottfried Bammes

This book was translated from German to English and explains and shows the rules and principles of understanding the dynamic behavior of the animal skeleton and its interaction with muscles. This book is not for the novice, but for the advanced and creative taxidermist who is seeking a total understanding of anatomy in order to produce accurate and convincing taxidermy.

144 pp, 8 1/4 x 11
T120 Softbound $19.95


by Wilhelm Ellenberger

This helpful and informative book will help you get the animal shapes right! A perfect companion to the many books on the human form. It presents the musculature and skeletal structures of each different animal from different view-points: front, side, back and top. There are also detailed drawings of animal heads and feet: horses, dogs, cats, lions, cattle, deer, etc., muscles, skeleton, surface features.

151pp, 288 illustrations, 9 3/8x121/4.
T109 Softbound $14.99


All 3 Guides (Over 480 photos)

Familiar Mammals of North America, North American Waterfowl and Familiar Reptiles and Amphibians of North America. These pocket guides are fill of high quality photos. They are excellent for identifying species, and offer great reference. Each softbound book is 192pp, 4x6, over 160 color photos.

192pp, 4x6
R324-R326 Softbound $25.00


Canada and Mexico: One Year Subscription to Breakthrough

oneyearforeignairmail Softbound $79.00


Canada and Mexico: Two Year Subscription to Breakthrough

twoyearforeignairmail Softbound $152.00


Author: Don Bales

21 color plates, 40 pp, 8 1/2x11
T100 Softbound $9.95


Breakthrough Magazine

Beautiful custom designed binders preserve and protect your complete set of Breakthrough issues. Allows for quick and easy access for reference and browsing, plus keeps valuable issues from being misplaced. Each gold-embossed cordovan binder holds twelve issues. Shipping is $8.50 for the first one and $2.00 for each additional binder. Foreign add $16.95 per binder.

12 Issue Cordovan Binder
BDR000 Softbound $21.95


Deer Skins Into Buckskins, How to Tan with Brains, Soap or Eggs.
By Matt Richards

2nd edition, completely revised and updated. Richards continues to apply a combination of traditional methods, leather chemistry and experience(he brain tans for a living), to improve the process.

240 pp, B/W photo/illustrations, 5 3/4 x 8 1/2
T118 Softbound $19.95


Foreign: One Year Subscription to Breakthrough

oneyearforeignafrica Softbound $94.00


Foreign: Two Year Subscription to Breakthrough

twoyearforeignafrica Softbound $180.00


GREAT HUNTERS: Their Trophy Rooms & Collections
Volume 2

This second volume is a continued tribute to the hunters and their unbelievable collections of mounted wildlife. You should reserve the time to sit several hours and view the most incredible trophy rooms you will ever see. There are thousands of mounted trophies to view.

175 pp, 9x12
T108 Hardbound $65.00


GREAT HUNTERS: Their Trophy Rooms & Collections
Volume 3

If you love the art of taxidermy, you will spend hours looking through this third volume of the very populars series. The publishers say this is the best of the three and they may be right. Released in the summer of 2001, this new volume takes you to game rooms not only in North America, but also to some stunning collections in Europe.

208 pp, 9x12
T117 Hardbound $60.00


GREAT HUNTERS: Their Trophy Rooms & Collections
Volume 5

At last, the long-awaited fifth volume is finally available! As we have stated before, Safari Press undertakes to produce a book on trophy rooms only when we can find enough rooms for inclusion that satisfy our high standards. The rooms we include in our series of books simply must be of the very highest caliber. Besides some of the greatest North American trophy rooms ever seen, extra effort was made to include some stunning European, South American, and even Russian collections. In this fifth volume we have assembled a large number of rooms that are more like natural history museums than rooms one would find in private residences. See Chester Mjolsness’s mounts of animals from every continent except Antarctica; Azam Khan’s collection of birds from around the globe; and Fidel San Roman & Anabel Moran’s trophy room with Old World charm that features full mounts of African game, including two full-size giraffe mounts and multiple lions in action poses. Oleg Andreev has a palatial log cabin that features a huge African and Asian collection; his dining room alone has dozens of elk as well as red deer. Jesse Kirk trophy rooms feature dioramas, making it seem as though you are walking into the African veldt or onto an Asian mountain. Joe Bishop’s collection, which we featured in an earlier volume, is now greatly enlarged; his stunning new rooms not only feature trophies but artifacts, guns, books, and even a skeleton of a gigantic cave bear! Space is too short to list all the rooms, but the lineup and versatility of this volume is truly world class. No other series of books focuses on quality rooms like the Great Hunter series produced by Safari Press. Our promise to our customers is that we will either publish a superb book with superlative rooms, or we will publish no book at all.

202 pp, color photos, 9 X 12
T122 Hardbound $65.00


GREAT HUNTERS: Their Trophy Rooms & Collections
Volume 1

This newly released book features 36 of the most elaborate and extensive trophy rooms in the world. A few of them are museums, but most are privately owned. A short profile of each hunter precedes the breathtaking photography of each collection.

172 pp, profuse color photography, 9x12
T106 Hardbound $60.00


GREAT HUNTERS: Their Trophy Rooms and Collections
Volume 6

In Great Hunters 6 you will see: Soudy Golabchi’s remodeled mountain of life-size sheep mounts from around the world; Jose Sodiro’s museum-quality trophies from South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and all Oceania; two superb French hunting museums that also represent French culture; Richard Pierce’s trophy room, which is so big it occupies more pages in our book than any room we’ve ever showcased; German hunter Gunter Wulff’s fantastic collection showcased in an Alpine house called the Wulff Jagdmuseum, which can be viewed by the public; and Hungarian hunter Bella Hidvegi’s collection divided by continent in massive rooms. In addition, there is J. Y. Jones’s sheep mountain and full-size mounts (including a polar bear), which are highlights of his rustically inspired trophy rooms. Well-known Mexican hunter Jesus Yuren has built an entirely new home to encompass his extensive trophy collection—he has more sheep alone than could fit into three large rooms. All in all, there is a total of twenty-two rooms featured in this book.

202 pp. color photos, 9x12
T128 Hardbound $65.00


Second Edition, Boone & Crocke

This is the definitive manual on how to score all 35 big game categories recognized by Boone & Crockett Club. This manual is written simple language so that any hunter can score his or her trophy. Dozens of illustrations by Montana artists Larry Jensen, Pat Rummans and DeWayne Jensen compliments the text.. Published in a convenient loose-leaf binder so updates and supplements can be added.

Illustrated, 80 pp, 8-1/2 x11-1/4
BC400 Softbound $34.95


by Edouard Lanteri

Thorough step-by-step guide discusses anatomy, methods of construction, tools, materials, etc. Also comprehensive exposition of casting in plaster. 63 full-page photographic plates, 138 drawings and diagrams.

352 pp, 5Kx 8.
T103 Softbound $18.95


North American Birds - Western

No taxidermist should be without a numerous assortment of Audubon Field Guides. Each book is packed with over 500 stunning color photographs, and brings to life all the birds, reptiles, and mammals any taxidermist may encounter. They are indispensile for correct spelling of species and identification. All the field guides are flexibound for ease in traveling, and the small size is perfect for keeping handy.

4x71/2. 822pp, 676 color photos
R291 Softbound $19.95


North American Birds-Eastern

No taxidermist should be without a numerous assortment of Audubon Field Guides. Each book is packed with over 500 stunning color photographs, and brings to life all the birds, reptiles, and mammals any taxidermist may encounter. They are indispensile for correct spelling of species and identification. All the field guides are flexibound for ease in traveling, and the small size is perfect for keeping handy.

R290 Softbound $19.95


North American Mammals

No taxidermist should be without a numerous assortment of Audubon Field Guides. Each book is packed with over 500 stunning color photographs, and brings to life all the birds, reptiles, and mammals any taxidermist may encounter. They are indispensile for correct spelling of species and identification. All the field guides are flexibound for ease in traveling, and the small size is perfect for keeping handy.

4X71/2. 940 pp, 374 color photos
R288 Softbound $19.95



Each book contains state and provincial listings as well as photos of the number-one ranked trophy for each state or province.

BC403 Hardbound $24.95


by Louis Slobodkin

Step-by step approach to clay, plaster, metals, stone; classical and modern.

253 drawings, photos, 255pp, 8Hx11.
T104 Softbound $14.95


Still Life: Adventures in Taxidermy
by Melissa Milgrom

Even though STILL LIFE was written for the millions of readers outside of taxidermy, it definitely deserves a place on the bookshelf of every taxidermist. Much of the history of this profession is explained in great detail (many things that were totally new to us). Plus, she gave great coverage of an outsider’s insight into two World Taxidermy Championships® that she attended. One chapter follows the story of Ken Walker’s quest for a Best in World title in re-creations, and another the achievements of Paul Rhymer, John Matthews, and Ken Walker completing the new Behring Hall of Mammals displays at the Smithsonian. All 10 chapters are about taxidermy and taxidermists (and a couple in a way that you would not imagine!). We give this book a thumbs up. It’s a “must read” if you are looking for pure entertainment about taxidermy.

8.3 x 5.8˝ 304pp
T123 Hardbound $25.00


The Encyclopedia of Animals A Complete Visual Guide

608 pages, 1,700 color illustrations, 475 color photographs, 950 maps. Covers over 2000 species with illustrations and some photos with a brief written account on each.

9 1/4 x 10 1/2
R344 Hardbound $39.95


Author: Jack C. Rich

Profusely illustrated guide to technical aspects of sculpting in stone, metal, wood, other materials. Tool, techniques, modeling, casting firing.

281 illustrations. 512 pp. 6 1/2 x91/4.
T105 Softbound $19.95


Wildlife of North America
by Bryan Richard

This is among the first of a series of field guides being produced by Parragon Publishing of the United Kingdom. They are similar to the National Audubon Society field guides, but the books are bigger with larger photographs. There is a short essay for each species with the description, size and habitat information along with a map of geographic distribution. this book is a great value and perfect for quick reference.

256 pp, all color photography. 5 1/2 x 7 7/8
R340 Softbound $10.00


Windows on Nature
Stephen Christopher Quinn

The American Museum of Natural History is a national treasure, attracting four million visitors annually. Its dioramas are a dazzling mixture of nature, science, and art, and are world-renowned examples of the unique diorama craft: art in the service of science. Now, in the only book of its kind, readers get an insider’s view of these “windows on nature,” witnessing their creation step by meticulous step. More than forty of the museum’s finest dioramas are featured here, depicting the fauna and flora of myriad ecological environments. Stephen Quinn, a diorama artist at the museum, introduces the explorers, naturalists, painters, sculptors, taxidermists, and conservationists behind these three-dimensional marvels, and explains how their collaborations make the displays so lifelike. This enchanting book is the perfect gift for nature lovers, art enthusiasts, and museum goers everywhere. color and bw photographs.

11x10 180pp,
T124 Hardbound $45.00


African Wildlife and Big Cats Bird Reference Books Carving - Books, Manuals, Videos
Fish, Reptiles, Snakes, Alligators Instructional Books and Manuals Kastaway Kulis Video Library
North American Horned and Antlered Animals North American Mammals Other Videos
Required Reading & Records Taxidermy Training Unlimited Whitetail Deer
World Show Video Seminars


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